Baby Bottle Drive
A bottle drive is an easy way for your church, organization or group to help LifeCare in its mission to save babies' lives and educate parents.
How do I hold a baby bottle drive?
It's simple! We provide you with a basket of baby bottles that can be placed in an open area or distributed to group members. They collect their spare change (cash and checks also welcome!) over the course of 4-6 weeks. After the bottles are returned, we pick them up, have the change counted and let you know how much was raised! One bottle filled with $28 of change pays for an ultrasound for an expectant mom.
Many churches choose to do their drive between Mother's Day and Father's Day. Others hold theirs during January to commemorate Sanctity of Life Sunday. Still others choose a month of the year and hold the drive that same time annually. You can even do a drive in conjunction with your VBS or other event!
For more info, download the brochure or call 785-242-4500.