Healthy Relationship Education
Relationships Under Construction
Sexual Risk Avoidance Curriculum
The Relationships Under Construction (RUC) program brings abstinence-based sexual risk avoidance and healthy relationship education to middle school and high school students using a four-year approach (grades 6-9). Currently, RUC is offered in all Franklin County middle and/or high schools free of charge. In 2020, RUC was expanded into Anderson County. The curriculum is also customizable for youth groups and homeschool groups.
Four-Year Interactive Curriculum
Over the course of the curriculum from 6th to 9th grade, RUC takes students on a journey of deeper understanding that shows each year how their sexual decisions affect their moral, physical, intellectual, emotional and social development.
Students are presented with factual information to analyze behavior, interactive activities to demonstrate the impact of good vs poor relationship choices, and tools to make healthy decisions for themselves in regards to relationships and risky behaviors.
One of the primary goals of RUC is prevention - helping students avoid the pitfalls of unhealthy relationship choices that often lead them to need LifeCare’s services.
Bring the Program to Your School or Group
Would you like to see this curriculum offered in your public school? Do you have a contact that could provide an inroad? LifeCare would love to work with you to identify and approach the appropriate person within your school or district to begin educating young people with the facts and consequences of risky sexual behavior, as well as tools for making better choices.
RUC can also be customized with a spiritual emphasis to be presented in private schools, homeschool co-ops and youth groups.
Contact Program Manager Sarah Starrett at 785-242-4500 for more information.
Program Impact
2016 – 325 Students
Central Heights High School and Ottawa Middle School
2017 – 575 Students
Central Heights High School, Ottawa Middle School, Ottawa High
School, West Franklin High School, Juvenile Detention Center
2018 – 1060 Students
Central Heights High School, Central Heights Middle School, Ottawa Middle School, Ottawa High School, Wellsville High School, Juvenile Detention Center
2019 – 1040 Students
Central Heights High School, Central Heights Middle School, Ottawa High School, Ottawa Middle School, Wellsville High School, Wellsville Middle School, Juvenile Detention Center