Who We Fight
The bible tells us who our enemy is. He is the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10). It tells us he roams around like a hungry lion, seeking who he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). At Lifecare Center, we know that abortion is one of the evil tricks the Devil uses to destroy God’s kingdom and people. He uses shame, guilt, idolatry, and many other things to pull people away from the God that loves them.
In 2022, there were 12,318 reported abortions in Kansas. We weep for the precious lives that were taken and we pray that each mother of one of those babies comes to know Jesus and find true hope and healing from their choice.
What We Do
LifeCare offers HOPE to our clients in many forms. The greatest of all is the hope of the saving and changing power of Jesus Christ. We strive to share Jesus with every client at every appointment. We focus on creating relationships with our client so they can see the difference Jesus can make in their lives.
We invite you to contact us about the comprehensive services that LifeCare offers, the impact of those services, and the needs we have in providing those services most effectively.
Then, as the Lord leads, we ask that you prayerfully consider how you might be involved with us in saving babies’ lives from abortion and saving parents’ lives for eternity.